ca. 53 min. - Newsreel 459 (21 June 1939), Archival footage from 1919 shows German Imperial Navy en route to scuttling at Scapa Flow, 20 years later, reborn German fleet displays readiness on high seas. Two submarines, American and British, are crippled in separate accidents at sea. At a French air show, a Fokker Jungmeister and its daredevil French pilot stage acrobatic stunts. In Rome, 20,000 sailors march before King Emmanuel and Mussolini. German gymnasts stage an "impressive display" of physical training for military and diplomatic dignitaries. A cultural festival in mostly German Danzig becomes a major protest rally as Goebbels addresses a huge crowd. German troops stage artillery exercises to impress visiting Spanish officers. Scenes from Greater Germany Bicycle Race show cyclists crossing from Austria to Bavaria. Highlights from 1939 German soccer championship final played in Berlin's Olympic Stadium. 18 min. Newsreel 468 (23 August 1939), Westphalian s Youth and League of German Maritime Prestige on Danube cruise to Budapest. In Turin, Italian maneuvers end with parade of troops and mechanized divisions before Emperor and King. A trick-photography map sequence, creation of Poland from parts of Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. The free city of Danzig, here, according to the film Poles have usurped certain rights of sovereignty. The film explains that this ancient German city is being methodically made Polish. In the streets hang banners reading "We want to return to the Reich." A massive Polish ammunition dump at Danzig Harbor entrance, expansion of Polish port Gdynia to divert traffic from Danzig and strangle it there, ethnic Germans flee Poland, refugees are interviewed, tales of Polish oppression and violence. Newspaper headlines, German and Soviet governments agree to mutual non-aggression pact, Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop boards plane to Moscow to conclude negotiations. 14 min. Newsreel 470 (7 September 1939), In Danzig, civilian men fortify border against Polish intervention, SA militiaman shot by Poles is buried. Ethnic Germans flee Poland as farms and homes are methodically plundered and burned. A man standing before his wrecked house tells in synchronous sound how Polish planes bombed it at night. In Danzig, after independence is declared, a German militia unit attacks the Polish post office. German troops enter Danzig. Civil air-defense measures mechanized and cavalry units cross the border despite resistance, a sortie from an airfield at dawn, air and sea bombardment of the Westerplatte in Danzig. Columns of German tanks and infantry move deep into Poland, finding the burning houses of ethnic Germans and bombed bridges, the Vistula bridge at Tczew has been fully destroyed. Engineers repair bridges and German tanks cross. Ethnic Germans welcome advancing troops. 21 min.

Subtitled in English (SEPTEMBER 1939): Polish Jews and Insurgents Taken to Camps; German Soldiers at Worship in Jasna Gora Church; Wehrmacht Crosses Vistula River; Hitler Reviews Troops at the Front; German Women at Work in Munitions Plant; Tank Columns Advance and Enter Lodz; House-to-House Combat in Captured Cities; Germans and Soviets Meet at Brest-Litovsk. Three newsreels, 55 min. CH 802

Subtitled in English (OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1939): Funeral of General Fritsch in Berlin; Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop Flies to Moscow; Hitler Observes Bombardment of Warsaw; German Engineers Re-start Steel Mills in Silesia; German Troops Patrol West Wall Fortifications; U-Boat Captain Prien and Crew Welcomed in Berlin; New Japanese Foreign Minister Takes Office; Assassination Attempt on Hitler in Munich. Three newsreels, 51 min. CH 803

Subtitled in English (NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1939, JANUARY 1940): Pre-Military Training for Hitler Youth; Impounded Foreign Ships in Kiel Harbor; Baltic Germans Resettled in Posen; Sports Events in Spain, Japan and Germany; British Navy Blockades North Sea Countries; Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Over English Coast; Evacuation of Tientsin by the British; Anti-Air Defense Exercises in Germany. Three newsreels, 54 min. CH 804

Subtitled in English (JANUARY/FEBRUARY /MARCH 1940): Ethnic Germans From Russia Return to Fatherland; Goebbels Tours Western Air Defense Zone; International Winter Games in Bavaria; Hitler Speaks at Berlin Sports Palace; Luftwaffe Planes Sink British Ships in North Sea; Duce Reviews Elite Militia in Rome; German Wartime Trade Fair in Leipzig; Blitzkrieg Formations in Combat. Three newsreels, 49 min. CH 805

ca. 52 min. - Newsreel 497 (14 March 1940), Public services announcement featuring Tran and Helle, on donating scrap metal. The hard winter continues, a blizzard strikes Japan. In Bavarian Alps, rescue team stages an acrobatic high mountain rescue. At Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a friendly skiing competition between Hitler Youth and Italian counterparts. Berlin, an ice show for soldiers, with German champion Lydia Reicht. and world champion team Herber and Baier. More sport, scenes from first German war-time gymnastics competition held in Berlin (slow motion segments). Solemn scenes from Memorial Day, on western front, General von Brauchitsch, Army commander-in-Chief, lays wreaths at gravesides. Major national observance at Zeighaus in Berlin, attended by Hitler, Goering , Goebbels and other top leaders speech from Hitler (synchronous sound) calls for "the greatest victory in German history". another U-boat returns to port, while at sea, Commander Hartmann and crew sank 45,000 tons of enemy cargo. Near Maginot Line German army takes its first "Tommy" prisoners of war, capture and debriefing scenes. Combat segment (unnamed front), heavy artillery and advancing infantry work closely together to deliver the enemy a "knockout blow". 20 min. Newsreel 499 (28 March 1940), Public service announcement featuring Tran and Helle on listening to foreign radio. Brenner Pass, Hitler and Mussolini hold their 5th summit. Massive bridge construction project in Linz (Hitler's home town). German industry, women take over heavy industrial work, boatyard scenes feature manufacture and launching of U-boats, factory scenes show Messerschmitt fighter plane assembly. U-boat crew returns from successful mission, welcomed by Admiral Erich Raeder. Luftwaffe segment, the Adler Wing returns from bombing British Home Fleet at Scapa Flow, at home airbase, pilots describe their exploits. 14 1/2 min. Newsreel 502 (17 April 1940), April 9, 1940, Germany invades Denmark and Norway. Denmark, German forces land at dawn in Copenhagen harbor, Luftwaffe planes drop leaflets, proclaiming Germany's "friendly occupation", as civilians begin their morning rounds. German officials meet with Danish representatives, agreeing to provisional cooperation, Danish troops ordered not to resist, Copenhagen police "clarify" allegiance to the government and get back their weapons, British diplomats and enemy agents are rounded up. By noon, Copenhagen scenes depict a return to "business as usual", meanwhile, ever more German troops pour in. Across Denmark, German forces take control over communication and transport lines, soldiers seize strategic bridge linking Jutland and Fyn. Troops and military supplies stream in from Germany via rail, with utmost speed, fortifications established along Danish coast. Norway invasion, the seizure of a coastal airfield, heavily armed assault forces fan out to nearby military targets, along coast, artillery and machine gun installations quickly put in place. At Oslo, a nearby fortress offers resistance, heavy bombardment forces its surrender, allowing German troops to secure Oslo unhindered. On Norway's western coast, invasion force arrives in Bergen harbor, takes city with little resistance. With control secured over major ports, German forces move quickly into Norway's interior, in Oslo, German army holds outdoor band concert for civilians, minor fraternization scenes. 17 1/2 min. CH 806

Subtitled in English (MAY 1940): Rudolf Hess Lauds German Socialism; German Troops Push Deep into Norway; British Naval Convoy Retreats From Namsos; German Invasion of West is Launched; Luxembourg and Belgian Borders Crossed; Blown Bridges Hamper Progress in Holland; Troops Cross Albert Canal by Raft; Maastricht Bridgehead Taken by Germans. Two newsreels, 36 min. CH807

Subtitled in English (MAY/JUNE 1940): Paratroopers Dropped Over Holland; SS Leibstandarte Link-up With Paratroopers in Rotterdam; Fort Eben Emael Captured in Belgium; Guderian's Panzers Breach the Maginot Line; Alsace-Lorraine Reclaimed by Germany; Marshal Pétain Agrees to German Armistice Terms; German Troops Parade in Paris; Franco-German Cease-fire Signed in Compiégne. Two newsreels, 57 min. CH 808

VICTORY IN THE WEST (July 1940): Featuring: Germany's "Endless Columns" Stream Into Conquered France; National Socialist Welfare Aids French Civilian Refugees; Liberating German POWs; French POWs: the "Black Brothers of the French Infantry"; German Engineers Spearhead French Reconstruction; Back to Normal in Amsterdam and Brussels; Publishing Westfront in Paris;
Parisian Crowds Hear German Peace Terms; Hitler Visits Parisian Landmarks; Fortifying Europe against British Attacks; Germany's Navy Prepares for War with Britain; Air Defense Drills Staged for King George VI in England; Hitler Greets Victorious Troops in Alsace-Lorraine; The "Inseparable Bond" between Fuehrer and Soldiers; Hitler and Entourage Visit Strasbourg Cathedral; Hitler Inspects Shattered Maginot Line; The Rhine: "firmly in German Hands"; Hitler's Return to Berlin: Jubilant Germans Greet the Fuehrer; Preparing the Celebration in Berlin; Surging Berliners Salute Hitler's Motorcade Procession; Hitler and Goering Review Joyous Crowds at Chancellery. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 46 minutes, English subtitles.

INSIDE THE THIRD REICH (July/August 1940): Featuring: Italy's Role in Defeating France: Skirmishes on Alpine Front and French Rivera; Mussolini Inspects Alpine Front; Italian Navy Patrols Mediterranean; Italian Fighters in East Africa; Gibraltar: Britain's Mediterranean "Choke-point"; Fear Grips the British Empire: Hong Kong; Britain's Crimes at Lorient; German-French Cooperation in Rebuilding Occupied France; Germans Evacuees Return Home to Merzig; Hitler's July 19 Reichstag Address: Churchill's Last Chance for Peace; Joyful Berlin Crowds Greet Returning Wehrmacht Division; Goebbels and General Fromm Hail Victorious Soldiers; Sport and Exercise for the German Girls League; 1940 German National Art Show
Opens in Munich; German Industry and Military Might: Manufacturing Panzers; On the Job: Exercise Programs Prevent Worker Injury; RAF Bombing Raid on Hamburg ; France's Aggressive Designs Exposed; German Technicians Rebuild France; Everyday English Routines Resume in Channel Islands; U-Boots Return from Battle; Doenitz Awards Iron Cross; Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Missions; Montage of German Air Strikes over England. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 44 minutes, English subtitles.

THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN (August/Sept 1940): Featuring: 28th German East Trade Fair in Koenigsberg Attracts Hundreds of Thousands; Chemical Fertilizers: Germany's Indispensable Weapon; Salvaging Wrecked Vehicles from Western Campaign; "Strength through Joy" Sponsors Soldiers' Factory Tour; Arms Workers see their Products in Action; German Flak Batteries Deter Enemy Bombing Raids; Field Marshal von Brauchitsch Visits Wounded Soldiers; Hitler Awards Field Marshals with Jeweled Scepters; Italian Bombing Raids Open Campaign against British Somalia; Testing New Long-range Artillery; Luftwaffe Steps up Bombing Raids Against Britain; Total Blockade of Great Britain Begins; Labor Corps Spearheads Germanization in Eastern Territories (Wartheland); Ethnic Germans Return to Alsace-Lorraine: "German Virtues" Prevail; Baden Hitler Youth join Young Germans in Strasbourg; Clearing British Mines from Norway's Fjords; U-Boots Return to Harbor; 4.3 million Tons of Enemy Shipping Sunk in First Year of War; Germany Fortifies the Channel Coast; Coastal Artillery bombards Dover; Coastal Air Defense: Messerschmitt Fighter Planes Intercept RAF in Channel; RAF Bombardier Reaches Berlin; Germany vows Revenge; Germany's New Air Strategy: London now the Key; Raid on London: Inside a JU 88 Dive bomber; Luftwaffe Unloads "Monumental Destruction" on London. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 46 minutes, English subtitles.

Subtitled in English BRITAIN IN FLAMES (September/October 1940): German Weekly Wartime Newsreel
BRITAIN IN FLAMES (September/October 1940): Featuring: Fascist Labor Corps in Norway;
Hitler grants Hungary Disputed Romanian Territory; Horthy celebrates; Franco's Envoy visits Hitler at Chancellery; Italy's Colonial Minister Teruzzi meets Hitler, tours Western Front; Festive Saarbruecken greets Repatriated Germans; Todt Organization in Saarbruecken; Mine Warfare: from Factory Assembly to Mine laying at Sea; Italian Bombers raid British Base at Sollum, Egypt; British Air Raid Kills German Children; Goering tours Air Fields in northern France; Luftwaffe Squadrons take Revenge upon London; Stuka Fighters in Action; Mussolini rebuilds Rome; Reich Education Minister Rust awarded Honorary Degree in Rome; Madrid Arena hosts Reichswehr Band Concert; Spain invades Tangiers; French Authorities capitulate; Bulgaria seizes Contested Dobruja Province; King Boris hailed in Sofia; Ethnic Germans from Bessarabia repatriated by "Resettlement Commandos" ; Oslo Fascists declare "Norway Needs More Quislings"; Occupied Warsaw prepares for Hitler's Visit; Vichy Outrage as RAF "Night Pirates" bomb LeHavre; "Fastest Gun in the West": Messerschmitt 109; Spectacular Aerial Dogfights over southern England; Germany's Navy Girds for Battle. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 48 minutes, English subtitles. CH 812

Subtitled in English (November 1940): Featuring: Bountiful Vegetable Harvest in Germany; Autobahn Construction in Austria; SA Officers Tour Liberated Eastern Districts; Cross Section of Activities in France Under German Occupation; Japanese Bombers Attack Burma Road; Victorious U-boats Return to Bases; Reich Marshal Goering reviews Richthofen and Horst Wessel Fighter Wings; Japan Takes Over Formerly French Indochina.; Dutch Fascists Parade in Amsterdam; Outstanding Armament Workers are invited to Berlin as Guests of Top Nazi Leaders; Molotov Meets with Ribbentrop and Hitler in Berlin; German Housing Settlements in Warta Region; Berlin and Hamburg Children relocated to Safe Havens in Countryside; Flak Batteries Duel English Night Bombers; Memorial Services Honor Fallen Soldiers in Flanders; Coastal Batteries and Luftwaffe Planes Attack British Convoys in the Channel. CH 813

Subtitled in English (Nov./Dec. 1940): Featuring: Devastating Romanian earthquake Prompts German Aid.; Italian Front Lines in North Africa; Ethnic Germans Depart Bessarabia for Fatherland; Foreign Ministers of Spain (Suñer) and Italy (Ciano) Visit Hitler at Berchtesgaden; Hitler Attends Vienna Ceremony as Hungary Joins Tripartite Pact; Romania's Antonescu and Slovakia's Tuka also sign Tripartite Pact; "Victory in the West" Exhibit Opens in Vienna; Luftwaffe stages a Massive Raid on Coventry; Daring Exploits of U-boat Lieutenant Kretschmer, Germany's "Tonnage King"; Mountain Troop Artillery Exercise In Austrian Alps; Night Raid on Targets in England: Birmingham in Flames; Admiral Raeder Launches Battleship Bismarck; Exploits of U-boat Captain Endress: a Surface Battle with an Armed British Steamer and the Torpedoing of a Freighter.

(December 1940):Featuring: Field Marshal Von Brauchitsch Visits Troops in the East; King Michael of Romania Reviews a Parade of German Advisory Troops in Bucharest; The completion of Oslo-Bergen Highway in Norway; The Old Orient Express Railway Line Rebuilt in France; Reich Leader Alfred Rosenberg Speaks at the Chamber of Deputies in Paris; Wounded Soldiers make Christmas Toys for Children; Hitler Blasts Capitalism and "Fake Democracy" in an address to German Armament Industry Workers; Japanese Planes Bomb Chiang Kai-shek's Supply Lines on Burma Road; Abducted Spanish Civil War Children Return Home from France; Life in Warsaw is back to Normal Again; New Airfields are Constructed in Norway; Rifle Making at a Famous Gunsmith Plant in Steyr; Captured British Submarine is Converted to a U-boat and Commissioned Under the German Battle Flag; German Soldiers on Guard Duty in Stormy Weather on the Channel and Channel Islands. CH 815 no longer available

(January 1941): Featuring: Germany's and Italy's Ambassadors Attend Ceremonies Commemorating the Formation of the Tripartite Pact in Tokyo; Marshal Petain Warmly Received by a Large Crowd in Lyons; Soviet Ambassador Dekanazov greeted by Hitler at Reich Chancellery; Reich Labor Service Role in the Battle of Britain Hailed; Extensive Grading Work Along the Vistula River in Occupied Poland; Former Luxury Hotel in Zakopane now Shelters Berlin Children; Nazi Leaders and the German People Celebrate their Second Wartime Christmas; Japan Celebrates the Twenty-sixth Centenary of its Imperial Dynasty; Third Reich and Soviet Union sign Four New Agreements in Moscow; Heavy Snowfall Reported Throughout Europe; Dutch National Socialist Rally in Utrecht; Reich Marshal Goering Receives Congratulations and Gifts on His 48th Birthday; Motorcycle Riflemen on Maneuvers in Occupied Southern France; Adolf Galland Shoots Down a British Plane - His 57th Kill. CH 816

(Jan./Feb.,1941): b&w, total running time 42 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING: Norwegian Workers Depart to Germany; Reconstruction Projects in Occupied Poland;. Franz Léhar Conducts one of his Operettas in Paris; Ceremonial Meeting of the German Academy in Prague; Japanese Military Delegation in Berlin; Luftwaffe Bombs Valletta, Malta; Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. Illustriousis Hit; Hitler Attends the Funeral of Justice Minister Guertner; Heavy Bombers Raid Scottish Coastal Shipping; Auxiliary Cruiser on a Combat Mission in Tropical Waters; A Hitler Castigates the Versailles Treaty as "the Greatest; Injustice in History" and Issues a Warning to Germany's Enemies. Two newsreels. CH 817

(February, 1941): b&w, total running time 48 minutes, English subtitles.  FEATURING: Funeral of Hungary's Foreign Minister Csáky; Reich Youth Leader Axmann Visits Oslo; A Grandiose Nazi Party Ceremonies in Silesia; Submariners on a Skiing Holiday; Minesweepers Patrol the English Channel; Bombing Raids of British Positions in North Africa; Meeting of Mussolini and Franco in Bordighera, Italy; German Film Stars Attend Festivities in the Reich Film Chamber; Police Sports Festival in Berlin; World Champ Boxer Max Schmeling Volunteers for Airborne Duty; SS General Sepp Dietrich Inspects the "SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler"; An Auxiliary Cruiser on the Prowl in the Atlantic. Two newsreels CH 818

(March, 1941): b&w, total running time 50 minutes, English subtitles.  FEATURING: Hitler Speaks at the Party Founders Day Celebration in Munich's Hofbraeuhaus; Bulgaria Signs the Tripartite Pact in Vienna; Hitler Receives Tripartite Delegation at Belvedere Palace; German Troops are Allowed in Bulgaria "to Prevent British Intervention in the Balkans"; Infantry Units on Winter Maneuvers; German Air Defense Exercises; Sports Events in Berlin and Stuttgart; Vienna Celebrates Third Anniversary of Anschluss; A Celebration Rally in Linz, Austria; Heroes Memorial Day Rituals in Berlin; Victorious U-boat Crew is Decorated; Combat Engineers Maneuver in France; Initiation Ceremonies of Hitler Youth and German Girls League; Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka Welcomed in Berlin. Three newsreels CH 819

(April, 1941): b&w, total running time 48 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING: Second Anniversary of Bohemia and Moravia Celebrated in Prague; President Tito Reviews Slovak Army Parade; Ethnic Germans Flee Yugoslavia; First Enlisted Man Decorated with a Knight's Cross; Afrika Korps on the Offensive in North Africa; German Shipyards Launch New Submarines; Germany Attacks Yugoslavia and Greece; Afrika Korps Units Capture Agheila and Benghazi; Combat in Croatia and Slovenia; Waffen SS Units Approach Belgrade; Metaxas Line Breached in Greece; Key Port of Salonica Taken by German Troops. Two newsreels CH 820

(April/May 1941) FEATURING: Afrika Korps Advance to Sollum; The Fuehrer Welcomes Bulgarian King Boris and Hungarian Regent Horthy; Yugoslavia Capitulates; German Troops in Historic Sarajevo; Greek Islands Thasos and Lemnos Captured by a Daring Sea Assault; Greece's Epirus and Macedonia Armies Capitulate; Rudolf Hess Presents Awards at a Messerschmitt Factory; Hitler Speaks in Berlin's Sportpalast and in the Reichstag; Afrika Korps Units Converge on Tobruk; Ancient Battle Site of Thermopylae in German Hands; Occupation Troops in Athens; Crossing the Gulf of Patras into Peloponnesus. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 45 minutes, English subtitles.  CH 821

(June 1941) FEATURING: Rommel Meets with Italian General Gariboldi at the Tobruk Front; Tank Battles in Cyrenaica; Luftwaffe Units Prepare to Invade Crete. (Operation Mercury); German Paratroops invade Crete; German Mountain Infantry and Paratroopers Pursue the Enemy; Luftwaffe General Student Salutes Victorious Paratroopers; Hitler Receives Croatia's Head of State Ante Pavelic; New Alsace SA Units in Strassburg are Sworn-in; Heavy Bombing Raid on Birmingham; Port of Canea Captured in Crete; The Swastika Flies over Crete; Afrika Korps Soldiers Visit a Bedouin Camp. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 47 minutes, English subtitles. CH 822 **No Longer Available**

(June/July 1941) FEATURING: Ceremonies of Croatia's Entry into the Tripartite Pact; Rommel Awards the Iron Cross to Italian General Gariboldi; Luftwaffe Bombs British Munition Ships in Front of Tobruk; Germany Attacks Soviet Union. (Operation Barbarossa); Wehrmacht Units Advance Toward Kaunas, Lithuania; Luftwaffe Attacks Strategic Targets in Soviet Territory; German Troops Arrive in Finland; Fortress Kaunas Taken by German Troops; Swift Advance Toward Minsk; Two Soviet Armies Encircled near Bialystok; Soviet Citadel of Brest-Litovsk Captured; Bedraggled Soviet Prisoners shown. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 50 minutes, English subtitles. CH 823 **No Longer Available**

VOLUME 24 (CH 824)
(July 1941) FEATURING: Bavarian Mountain Infantry Capture Lemberg (Lvov) after Heavy Fighting; Ukrainian People Greet German Soldiers as Liberators; Soviet Atrocities in Lemberg are Depicted; Jewish GPU Agents are Turned over to German Forces; 70,000 Soviet Troops Surrounded near Minsk; Heavy Battles Rage in Lithuania; Street Fighting in Libau (Liepaja), Latvia; Volunteers from all over Europe Join the Fight against Bolshevism; Finno-German Soldiers Capture the Stronghold of Salla; Romanian Troops March into Bessarabia; Strong Soviet Defense Encountered in the Kiev Salient; Soviet Armies Surrounded in Bialystok-Minsk Region, 325,000 Surrender; The Highly-touted Stalin Line Breached at many Key Points; German Troops Capture Riga; Mechanized Forces Attack Toward Leningrad. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 63 minutes, English subtitles.
**No Longer Available**

(July/August 1941) FEATURING: Volunteers from Denmark, Spain and Italy Depart to Germany; German Destroyers Attack Soviet Patrol Boats near Murmansk; A Bridgehead established Across the Dnieper River; Hungarian and Slovakian Troops Advance Deeper into Ukraine; Heavy Combat in Vitebsk, Polatsk and Smolensk Areas; First Luftwaffe Bombing Raid on Moscow; Hitler Visits the Eastern Front; After Heavy Fighting Bessarabia Freed From Soviet Occupation; Vinnitsa and Mogilev Taken by German and Hungarian Troops; Smolensk Captured After Heavy Street Fighting; Scenes of "Soviet Paradise" in Ramshackle Smolensk; Waffen-SS in Combat Northeast of Lake Peipus; Luftwaffe Fighters and Flak Shoot Down Numerous Soviet Planes CH 825 **No Longer Available**

(August 1941) FEATURING: Volunteer Legions From France, Flanders and Denmark Join the Crusade Against Bolshevism; Masses of Soviet Soldiers Captured in Ukraine; Wehrmacht rapidly advances on all Eastern Fronts; German Troops reach Gulf of Finland; Soviets are Routed from the Baltic States; Luftwaffe Bombing Raids in the Lake Ilmen Area; German Planes Attack the Port of Murmansk; Romanian Troops March on Odessa; Panzer Units Reach the Black Sea Port of Nikolayev; Battle of Gomel -- 90,000 Soviet Prisoners Taken; Heavy Combat Along the St.Petersburg - Moscow Railroad; Novgorod Captured by German Assault Troops. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 56 minutes, English subtitles. CH 826 **No Longer Available**

(September 1941) FEATURING: New U-boats Launched to Reinforce the Atlantic Front; Admiral Doenitz Decorates Victorious U-boat Commanders; Narva and Luga Fall to Germans; Wehrmacht Troops Advance to Leningrad; Mussolini and Hitler Tour the Eastern Front; Waffen-SS Forces Sweep into the Port of Kherson; After Fierce Resistance Germans Capture Gomel; Stukas Destroy Bridges in the Murmansk Area; Finnish Troops Liberate Viipuri (Vyborg), Old Capital of Karelia; German Troops Approach the Outskirts of Leningrad; Four Soviet Armies Encircled by Guderian's and Von Kleist's Panzer Armies; Heavy Fighting Rage for the Cities of Kremenchug and Chernigov; German Troops Fight their Way into Kiev. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 61 minutes, English subtitles. CH 827 **No Longer Available**

(October 1941) FEATURING: Daring Invasion of the Islands of Oesel (Saaremaa) and Moon (Muhu) in the Gulf of Riga; German Forces Converge on Leningrad from all Directions; Italian and Romanian Troops at the Gates of Odessa; Kiev, the Capital of Ukraine, "Liberated from Bolshevik Terror"; The Encirclement of Four Soviet Armies in the Kiev Area nets 665,000 Prisoners; Goebbels Opens the Winter Relief Fund Drive Rally in Berlin's Sportpalast; Hitler Speaks at the Rally and Blasts "Warcriminal Plutocrats and Bolsheviks"; Mop-up Operations in the Island of Oesel; German Artillery Pulverizes Leningrad - the Siege Begins; Army and Waffen-SS Units Advance on Valday Hills, Source Waters of the Volga River; Aftermath of the Battle in the Kiev Front - Endless Lines of Soviet Prisoners; U-boat Action in the Battle of the Atlantic. Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 61 minutes, English subtitles. CH 828 **No Longer Available**

(November 1941) FEATURING: Italy's Foreign Minister Count Ciano Visits Hitler at hisWolfsschanze Headquarters.
Finnish Divisions Advance South of Lakes Ladoga and Onega.
Knee-deep Mud Hampers Supply Convoys in the Leningrad Area.
Soviet Stronghold of Kaluga captured by German Troops.
The Historic Battlefleld of Borodino Penetrated by Waffen-SS andGeneral Hoeppner's Panzers.
In the Southern Sector of the Front German Infantry Advance on Kharkov.
Mop-up Operations in Karelia.
Winter Clothes and Supplies Reach the Eastern Front.
Attack on Soviet Outer Defence Ring near Moscow.
The Soviet Industrial Hub of Kharkov Captured by the Wehrmacht.
German Advances in the Crimean Peninsula.
Victory Parade of Odessa Veterans in Bucharest.
General Rommel Decorates Valorous Afrika Korps Soldiers.
Naval Action on the English Channel.
Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 59 minutes, English subtitles. CH 829

(November/December 1941) FEATURING: State Funeral of Ernst Udet, Chief Air Inspector General of the Luftwaffe.
Heavy Artillery Pounds Strategic Targets in Leningrad.
Important Rail Junction of Tikhvin Captured by German Troops.
Deep Frost Impedes the Advance to Moscow.
Infantry Units Reach the Crimean Capital Simferopol.
German Troops Enter the Historic City of Yalta on the Black Sea.
Stukas Attack Enemy Tanks and Troop Concentrations on the Libyan-Egyptian Border.
"Grossdeutschland" Regiment in Action near Moscow.
Reich Marshal Goering in Conference with France's Marshal Petain.
One of the two U-boats that sank British Carrier "Ark Royal" Returns to Port.
German and British Fighter Planes in a Dogfight over the English Channel.
Colonel General Guderian's Panzers Attack Southwest of Moscow.
Italian and German Troops Battle the Brits and New Zealanders in North Africa.
Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 53 minutes, English subtitles. CH 830 **No Longer Available**

(January 1942) FEATURING: Enthusiastic German People Donate Warm Clothing for the Soldiers on Eastern Front.
Finnish Troops Counterattack in East Karelia.
Skis are a Necessity in Snowbound Eastern Front.
In Leningrad Sector German Infantry Prevents a Bolshevik Breakout over the Neva River.
Heavy Combat near Sevastopol in Crimea.
Reich Foreign Minister Ribbentrop Received by Hungarian Regent Horthy in Budapest.
The Fuehrer Awards Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross to Waffen-SS General Sepp Dietrich and other Officers.
National Socialist Women at Work Making Camouflage Suits for Winter Warfare.
German Mine Sweepers in Action on the English Channel.
Siege of Leningrad - Soldiers Routine Activities Behind Front Lines.
Heaviest Artillery Pounds the port- and Citadel of Sevastopol.
Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 45 minutes, English subtitles. CH 831 **No Longer Available**

(February 1942) FEATURING: Hitler Speaks to the German People on the Ninth Anniversary of his Rise to Power.
General Muñoz Grandes, Commander of Spanish Blue Division, Receives the Iron Cross, First Class.
Supply Lines Operate Around the Clock in Cities Behind Front Lines of the Eastern Front.
German and Romanian Troops Attack Sevastopol and Feodosiya in the Crimean Peninsula.
U-boats Deploy Against the USA.
German and Italian Troops on the Road to Benghazi, Libya.
Training at Various German Officer Candidate Schools.
Wintry Woes in Snowbound Woods of Karelia.
Continued Fighting on the Eastern Front.
Colonel General Rommel on the Outskirts of Benghazi.
German U-boats in Action off the Coast of New York.
Precision Teamwork of Luftwaffe Fighters and Kriegsmarine Units on the English Channel.
Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 53 minutes, English subtitles. CH 832 **No Longer Available**

Volume 33
(March/April 1942) Three newsreels, b&w, total running time 79 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING:
* Japanese military operations in the Pacific (Japanese Newsreel Footage Included).
* Hitler Decorates General Model at the "Wolf's Lair" headquarters.
* Scenes of Russian Winter.
* German and Romanian Troops Surround Sevastopol.
* The Luftwaffe bombs Malta.
* Aftermath of British Bombing Raid on Paris.
* Hitler Opens the Memorial Day Festivities in Berlin.
* Winter Warfare in the Donets Region in Russia.
* Armed Forces Day Celebrated in Berlin.
* The British Naval Raid on the German-held port of Saint-Nazaire.
* German troops in action on the Central Sector of the Eastern Front.
* German raider in the Indian Ocean.
* British Air Attack on Lübeck destroys the Lubeck cathedral. CH 833 **No Longer Available**

Volume 34
Three newsreels, b&w, total running time 83 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING:
* Wilhelm Fürtwangler conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra at an Armaments Plant in Berlin.
* Reich Marshal Göring Congratulates Field Marshal Milch on his 50th Birthday.
* German troops advance into the Kerch Peninsula in the eastern Crimea.
* Italian and German Navies in the Mediterranean.
* Tank Battles in Cyrenaica, Libya.
* Hitler's 53rd Birthday Festivities.
* Luftwaffe Bombing Raid on Malta.
* Island of Suursaari in the Gulf of Finland Occupied by German and Finnish Troops.
* The Continuing Battle for Leningrad.
* Dnieper Power Plant Rebuilt by Todt Organization Personnel.
* Gen. Franco Reviews a Parade in Madrid.
* Hitler and Mussolini meet in Salzburg and at the Berghof.
* German Armament Workers Honored on May Day.
* German Soldiers and Horses Struggle Against Mud and Flooding in Russia.
* Luftwaffe FW190 Fighter Planes in Action over the English Channel. CH 834

Volume 35
Three newsreels, b&w, total running time 80 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING:
* Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg receives Farmers from Ukraine, Belorussia, and Russia.
* Fight against Soviet Partisans in the Crimea.
* JU 52 Cargo Planes Ferry Supplies to Forward Units on the Eastern Front.
* U-boat Action in the Atlantic.
* Romanian Troops Parade in Bucharest.
* Captain Topp's U-boat Returns to Port after Sinking 7 Allied Freighters.
* German and Finnish Troops in Action on the Murmansk Front.
* After Heavy fighting Kerch in the Crimea Captured by German Troops.
* Hitler Flies to Finland and Meets with Finnish President Ritti and Field Marshal Mannerheim.
* Massed Soviet Tanks and Infantry Attack German Positions near Kharkov.
* German, Italian, Romanian and Hungarian Troops Counterattack and Surround 3 Soviet Armies.
* Nearly a Quarter of Million Soviet Soldiers Surrender. CH 835

Volume 36
Two newsreels, b&w, total running time 58 minutes, English subtitles. FEATURING:
* Funeral Services for Assassinated SS General Reinhard Heydrich in Prague and Berlin.
* Capture of Bir Hacheim by Afrika Korps.
* Siege of Sevastopol - Last Pictures of a German Cameraman Killed in Action.
* After Bitter Fighting, German and Romanian troops surround Sevastopol.
* In North Africa Rommel Directs an Attack on the British 8th Army.
* Fierce Fighting in the Gazala Line - in 10 Days the British Lose over 10,000 men captured and 550 Tanks.
* German and Italian Troops Launch an Attack on British-held Tobruk.
* Tobruk Capitulates - Field Marshal Kesselring Enters the Captured Fortress.
* Advance guard reaches the Port Area of Sevastopol. CH 836 **No Longer Available**

Volume 46
(JULY, 1942): Volkhov Front: Soviets' Failed Attempt to Free Leningrad; Battle of Sevastopol; Africa After Tobruk Victory; Capture of Mersa Matruh; Munich Art Exhibit; Advance Toward the Don; U-Boat Homecomings; Capture of Voronezh. Two newsreels, 58 min. CH 576

Volume 47
(JULY/SEPT, 1942): Fall of Sevastopol; Crossing of the Don; Capture of Rostov; Afrika Korps Advance Into Egypt; Battle for Stalingrad; Seizure of Mount Elbrus Weather Station; Atlantic and Channel Coast Defenses. Two newsreels, 60 min. CH 577

Volume 48
(SEPT, 1942): Street Fighting in Stalingrad; Stalingrad in Flames; Failed British Landing Attempt in Tobruk; Bombing of Alexandria; Stuka Attack of Murmansk Harbor; Battle Action on the Caucasus Front; Japanese Submarines at a German Atlantic Base. Two newsreels, 33 min. CH 578

Volume 49
(OCT, 1942): Rommel's Report to Hitler; Tank and Infantry Battles South of Lake Ladoga; Soldiers' Lives on the Eastern Front; Battle Action in the Mount Elbrus Area; Soviet Tank Attack in Stalingrad; Waffen-SS Units Fighting in the Lake Ilmen Area; Street Fighting in Stalingrad; Agricultural Achievements in the Third Reich. Three newsreels, 65 min. CH 579

Volume 50
(NOV, 1942): Battle in Stalingrad; SS- "Germanic Volunteers" Attack on Caucasus Front; Defense of Alamein; Battle Action in Leningrad; German Units Arrive in Marseilles; English Torpedo Planes Attack Convoy Headed for Africa. Three newsreels, 55 min. CH 580

Volume 51
(DEC, 1942): Axis Buildup in Tunisia; Battles in Leningrad and Upper Don Area; Goebbels Speech to Nazi Party Leaders; German Bombers Attack US Tanks in Tunisia; Soldiers Celebrate Christmas in Africa, Lapland, and Caucasus; Japanese Victories in the Pacific; Training in Submarine Schools. Three newsreels, 59 min. CH 581

The swift collapse of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 brought, with the surrender, mountains of films and documents covering the entire period of the Nazi regime. Perhaps no other period in history is as well documented. Many of these films are now historical documents of a time when madness and hate overran mankind. Some films made in those years do not reflect current official views of Germany, its people, or other nations and should be used only with extreme parental discretion and guidance. Almost 55 years have passed since the terrible holocaust. The memories and the consequences are still with us today. HOW...WHY... could such a system have arisen and flourished? How many times have the questions been asked? How many answers have been offered? The voices on these video tapes are the voices of history... perhaps those who listen today can help answer the questions posed by these terrible years!

Volume 52
(JAN/FEB, 1943): Night Fighting Operations; Tanks and Armored Infantry Attack French Troops in Tunisia; Winter Battles in Leningrad Area; U-Boat Action in the South Atlantic; Soldiers' Lives in Wintery Eastern Front. Two newsreels, 48 min. CH 582

Volume 53
(FEB/MARCH, 1943): Goebbels "Total War" Speech in Berlin; Rommel's Review of Defensive Positions in Gabes, Tunisia; Winter Rigors on the Eastern Front; German Tanks Take on US and British in Tunisia; German Troops Retreat on the Eastern Front; German Units Battle Soviet Partisans. Three newsreels, 60 min. CH 583

Volume 54
(MARCH/APRIL, 1943): Hitler Memorial Day Speech in Berlin; German Defenses on Crete; Waffen-SS Units in Battle of Kharkov; Spring Combat on the Eastern Front; Hitler's Meeting With Mussolini; U-Boats in the Caribbean; Katyn Forest Massacre. Two newsreels, 50 min. CH 584

ch585Volume 55
(MAY/JUNE, 1943): Thaw Turns Volkhov Front Into Water; Defensive War at Foot of Tunisian Mountains; U-Boat Action in Atlantic; Atlantic and Channel Defenses; German Police Attack Eastern Partisans; Cossack Regiment in the Wehrmacht Shows its Skills; Combat at Kuban Bridgehead; Hitler Youth Volunteer for Waffen-SS. Three newsreels, 59 min. CH 585

ch586Volume 56
(JUNE, 1943): Orchestra Concert in a Tank Plant; Waffen-SS Anti-Tank Units; Italian Navy Day in Rome; Fighting in Leningrad and Kuban Area; Goebbels Opens Munich Art Show; Bombs Damage German Cities; Waffen-SS Hits Partisans; Infantry Rests on Eastern Front. Two newsreels, 46 min. CH 586

ch587Volume 57
(JULY, 1943): The Cologne Cathedral in Ruins; Guderian Visits Tank-Driving School; Action on the Murmansk Front; Russian Military Volunteers on German Side; Mass Grave of Ukrainians; Battle in the Orel Area; Luftwaffe Bombs Soviet Staging Areas; Heavy Battles in Belgorod Sector. Two newsreels, 48 min. CH 587

ch588Volume 58
(AUGUST, 1943): Hitler and Generals at Wolfsschanze; U-Boat Tanker Evades British Planes; Tank Battles in Orel Area; Captured Soviet Troops and Guns; German Night Fighters Engage British Bombers; Rommel and His Tanks in Salonika; Heavy Fighting in Sicily; German Troops Evacuate Orel. Two newsreels, 43 min. CH 588

ch 759 coverVolume 59
(SEPTEMBER, 1943) Hitler Youth Summer Games; Soviet Thrust Repulsed on Eastern Front; Germans Retreat From Sicily; German Planes Torpedo British Mediterranean Convoy; Funeral of King Boris in Sofia; German Auxiliary Cruiser Thor Visits Japan; Soviet Casualties and Prisoners on Eastern Front; German Troops March Into Italy. Two newsreels, 38 min. CH 759

ch760Volume 60
ca. 49 min. - Public Service Message, After a bomb attack, a civil-defense official tells people in an air-raid shelter that everybody should help fight residential fires caused by incendiary bombs. He describes the proper fire-fighting techniques in detail while the film portrays them. He stresses that people cannot depend on the air-defense police to fight this kind of fire because they must tend to fires in "important buildings". 4 min. Newsreel 681 (22 September 1943), In Antwerp, the Volunteer Flemish Labor Service marches into Berchem Stadium and presents athletic demonstrations. In Paris, the French volunteer Legion against Bolshevism marches. In Goerlitz, events on a day honoring the wounded include a boxing march. In Northern Norway, a reconnaissance plane takes off from a catapult ship for its 2,000 flight. In the far north, a convoy lays a smoke screen to counter Soviet coastal batteries. In the Arctic Ocean, a Soviet torpedo-bomber attack on German mine-laying ships is repelled. On the Eastern Front, German artillery and rockets, an observation post, a Soviet prisoner, SS Brigadier General Fegelein, Fieseler Storchs, tanks encircle a Soviet unit, Stukas bomb Soviet tanks and troops. In Northern Italy, German troops march into Reggio, Pavia, and Milan and defeat Badoglio's troops to capture Rome. In Southern Italy, a reconnaissance plane and reconnaissance photo, repelling Allied landings at Salerno and elsewhere. Mussolini is rescued, commandos march through the Abruzzi Mountains, a paratroop detachment is ordered to occupy the valley station of a tram going to the building where Mussolini is imprisoned, the building is approached, SS Captain Skorzeny is shown with Mussolini, Mussolini flies to Hitler's headquarters, where he meets his son, Vittorio, Hitler, Goering, and von Ribbentrop, Mussolini urges his followers to fight. 25 min. Newsreel 684 (13 October 1943), In Reval, Estonia, the celebration of the second anniversary of liberation from Soviet rule. SS Lieutenant General Rauter inspects Dutch Waffen-SS troops. Off the Baltic coast, a glider pilot, Waffen-SS First Lieutenant Jachtmann, sets a new World record for flight time. In his headquarters, Hitler decorates four Luftwaffe officers, Grasser, Wittgenstein, Nowotny, and Rall. Central and southern sector of Eastern front, rations depot, military units, accompanied by civilians, withdraw over the Dnieper, blowing up facilities left behind, rear-guard troops attacked by Soviet planes. Southern sector of the Eastern Front, forward Kuban bridgehead evacuated, assault unit attacks in Kuban Lagoon region, troops withdraw to Crimia by train, accompanied by civilians, and blow up track behind them, while ships are loading at a harbor on the Taman peninsula, Soviet bombers attack and are repulsed by flak, Stuka formations in action. While German destroyers are engaged in a reconnaissance thrust in the Atlantic, a French fishing boat is inspected and enemy ships are fought with guns and torpedoes. 20 min.
**Sorry, No Longer Available

ch761Volume 61
(OCT/NOV, 1943): German Cavalry Reconnaissance on Sea of Azov; German Troops Evacuate Corsica; Mountain Infantry Land on Corfu; Battle Against Allied Bombers in Germany; Frick Inaugurated as Reich Protector of Bohemia-Moravia; Göring Inspects Air Defense Forces; Hitler Decorates U-Boat Commanders; German Invasion of Kos Island Routs Allied Forces. Two newsreels, 39 min. CH 761

ch762Volume 62
(NOVEMBER, 1943): Albert Speer Speaks at Berlin Plant; Cossack Brigade Attacks Bosnian Partisans; Kesselring Reviews German Troops in Italy; Soviet Advance in Krivoi Rog Repelled; Home Front Activities in Germany; Viennese Greet Ace Pilot Nowotny; Hitler and Old Comrades in Löwenbräu Cellar; German-Soviet Clash on Eastern Front. Two newsreels, 40 min. ca. 40 min. - Newsreel 688 (10 November 1943), In the German Alps, cattle are driven down to the valley for fall pasturage. Morning exercises for workmen at camp in Carinthia. Soccer final for Schamer Cup in the Adolph Hitler Stadium in Stuttgart, in which the Luftwaffe Sport Club Hamburg opposes a team from Vienna. In a Berlin defense plant, Albert Speer talks to youth about their labor obligations. In the Kroll Opera House in Berlin, Youth Leader Axmann speaks to Hitler Youth about the importance of their labor duty for the war effort. In Posen, a celebration witnessed by Himmler and others commemorates the Warthland's return to the Reich. Lieutenant Commander Lueth, a highly-decorated U-boat commander, returns home to Neustadt. Work at a tank-repair installation in the southern part of the Eastern Front. In Tirane, members of the "first government of free Albania" are chosen. German bombers and soldiers and a Cossack brigade assault partisans in Bosnia. In Italy, Kesselring reviews units that fought in Sardinia and Corsica, in Mussolini's headquarters, the fascist-republican government has its first cabinet meeting with Marshal Graziani in attendance. Graziani meets with Rommel, Rommel inspects defensive installations in Northern Italy, in Southern Italy, defenses are established and Allied tanks are destroyed by artillery. In the Dnieper basin, soldiers set up in an anti-tank ditch, a blown-up bridge, artillery fires on the opposite bank. In the area of Krivoy Rog, a Soviet advance is pushed back by tanks and close-support planes, Soviet dead are shown. Near Gomel, bombers attack soviet military and transport targets despite flak and smoke screen. 20 min. Newsreel 689 (17 November 1943), In a factory near Antwerp, dried vegetables are produced. Men whose wives and children have been relocated learn cooking at a course given by the German Women's League. National Socialist People's Welfare Organization wartime maternity clinics in scenic districts. Professor Frik, a radiology researcher, examines a patient. Albert Speer speaks to a conference of the German armaments industry, Ferdinand Porsche, Field Marshal Milch, and Brigadier General Galland are present. New ammunition is demonstrated to Speer. Goering visits the reserve and training section of the Hermann Goering tank division. Viennese greet highly-decorated fighter pilot Captain Nowotny. Officer training at Murwik Naval Military Academy, including types of ships, navigation, mechanics, physical education, and sailing. November 9th commemoration, On November 8th, Hitler joins old comrades in Loewenbraeu cellar and predicts victory, on November 9th, Keitel and District Party Director Giessler lay wreaths from Hitler and the Wehrmacht to honor Nazi martyrs. Defensive battle on the Eastern Front. North of Krivoi Rog, German and Soviet tanks clash, Soviet ground-attack planes attack tanks, German rockets fire, and German fighter planes attack Soviet bombers. 20 min. CH 762

ch763Volume 63
(NOV/DEC, 1943): Soldiers see Hockey in Berlin; Supplies Delivered to Arctic Front; Tanks and Flak Repel Allies on Italian Front; Dönitz, Speer View Naval Exercises; Himmler Inspects Muslim Volunteers; Response to Allied Bombing of Berlin; Germans Counterattack at Dnieper Bend; Occupation of Leros and Samos Islands. Two newsreels, 36 min. CH 763

vol 67 pictureVolume 64
(DECEMBER, 1943): Santa Claus in Channel Bunker; Axis Defenses on Danish Coast; JU-52 Supply Drop on Eastern Front; Paratroopers Blow Up Bridge in Italy; Submarine Nets in Finland Gulf; Rumanian Troops in the Crimea; Germans Reinforce Nikopol Bridgehead; Rocket Fire Reverberates on Eastern Front. Two newsreels and a Public Service Announcement, 40 min. CH 764

The swift collapse of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 brought, with the surrender, mountains of films and documents covering the entire period of the Nazi regime. Perhaps no other period in history is as well documented. Many of these films are now historical documents of a time when madness and hate overran mankind. Some films made in those years do not reflect current official views of Germany, its people, or other nations and should be used only with extreme parental discretion and guidance. Almost 55 years have passed since the terrible holocaust. The memories and the consequences are still with us today. HOW...WHY... could such a system have arisen and flourished? How many times have the questions been asked? How many answers have been offered? The voices on these video tapes are the voices of history... perhaps those who listen today can help answer the questions posed by these terrible years!

vol 65 pictureVolume 65
(JANUARY, 1944): Anti-Bolshevist Rally in Paris; Bosnian Partisan Band Captured; Panther Tanks Support Infantry in Nevel Area; U-Boat Patrols Indian Ocean; Sports and Leisure in Germany; German Troops Visit Greek Monks; Infantry, Assault Guns Oppose Soviet Tanks; Allied Bombers Over Germany. Two newsreels, 40 min. CH 765

ch 766 coverVolume 66
(FEBRUARY, 1944): Women Workers Pull Their Weight in Reich Labor Service; Artillery Duels at Nettuno Beachhead; American Prisoners March Into Rome; German Soldiers Rest and Relax on the Eastern Front; Seyss-Inquart New President of German Academy; Allies Bombard Monte Cassino; Wounded in Ruins of Castel Gandolfo; Street Fighting in Port of Kerch. Two newsreels, 35 min. CH 766

vol 67 pictureVolume 67
(MARCH, 1944): Léon Degrelle Reviews the Battle at Cherkassy; German Withdrawal Through Narva; Naval Action off the Coast of Norway; Luftwaffe Duels USAAF Bombers; French Waffen-SS Volunteers; Exchange Prisoners Return From the US; The Goliath Remote-Controlled Miniature Tank; Great Air Battle Over Berlin. Two newsreels, 39 min. CH 767

ch768 coverVolume 68
(MARCH/APRIL, 1944): German Troops Arrive in Budapest; Soldiers Dig Positions in Snow on Finnish Front; Soviet Attack Repulsed in Pripet Marshes; German Paratroopers Fight in Cassino Area; Ski Training at a Waffen-SS Mountain School; Trucks Struggle Through Mud on the Eastern Front; Rail and Factories Are Blown up in Nikolayev; Close Combat in Ruins of Cassino. Two newsreels, 36 min. CH 768

ch 769 coverVolume 69
(APRIL, 1944): Horse Race in Berlin; Ruins of Monte Cassino Monastery; Gigant Planes Bring Supplies to Crimean Peninsula; Street Fighting in the Kovel Suburbs; Hitler's Birthday Celebration; Hitler Inspects New Anti-Tank Weapons; Knight's Cross Awarded to a German Pilot; Allied Bombers Shot Down Over the Alps. Two newsreels, 40 min. CH 769

ch 770 coverVolume 70
(MAY, 1944): General Hube's Funeral in Berlin; SS Brigade Wallonia Returns to Brussels; Hungarian and German Troops on the Eastern Front; Floodgates Opened in Flanders and Holland; Rommel Speaks to Troops at the Atlantic Wall; German and Rumanian Troops Withdraw in Crimea; Flak Action Against Low-flying Soviet Planes; Grossdeutschland Division in Defensive Action. Two newsreels, 39 min. CH 770

ch 771 coverVolume 71
(MAY/JUNE, 1944): Japanese Bomb American Ships; Refugee Columns Flee Soviets in Rumania; German Police Capture Soviet Partisans; Allied Sub Hit by Depth Charges; Allies Land in Normandy; German Troops Fight Allied Airborne Units; SS Division Hitlerjugend in Action; Street Battles Rage in Bayeux Area. Two newsreels, 34 min. CH 771

ch 772 coverVolume 72
(JUNE, 1944): Rear-guard Units Hit Allied Spearhead in Italy; Coastal Batteries Hammer Allied Ships off Normandy; Allied Equipment Wreckage on Beach; Allied Planes Attack Caen; Hospital Ship Erlangen Attacked by Allied Bombers; General von Greim at Eastern Front Command Post; Le Havre After Allied Bomb Attack; Hedgerow Combat Near Saint-Lo. Two newsreels, 39 min. CH 772


ch 773 coverVolume 73
(JULY, 1944): General Dietl's Funeral in Berlin; Léon Degrelle Speaks to Wallonian Troops; Coastal and Naval Guns Duel Near Cherbourg; German Tank Counterattack in Bayeux Area; Reich Labor Service Art Show in Prague; Goebbels Predicts Victory at Rally; German Mountain Troops in Finland; Intense Combat Action on Western Front. Two newsreels, 32 min. CH 773

ch 774 coverVolume 74
(JULY/AUGUST, 1944): Ruins of Hitler HQ After Attempted Assassination; Last Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini; Heavy Fighting in Outskirts of Caen; V-1 Missile Deployment Against England; Hitler Visits July Plot Victims in Hospital; Colonel Remer Speaks to Berlin Guard Battalion; Germans Retreat on Eastern Front; Allied Prisoner Column Harassed in Paris. Two newsreels, 35 min. CH 774

Volume 75
(AUGUST, 1944): Men and Women Dig Trenches in the East; French Militia Interrogate Captured "Terrorists"; U-boat on Combat Mission in North Sea; Warsaw Uprising Erupts Into Heavy Fighting; Tiger and Panther Tanks on the Eastern Front; "Total War" Effects on the Population of Germany; German Troops Counterattack in Latvia; Allied Bombers Hit by Flak on Western Front. Three newsreels, 42 min. CH 775

ch 776 coverVolume 76
(SEPTEMBER, 1944): German Women Working to Aid War Effort; Top Fighter-Pilot Ace Hartmann Decorated by Hitler; Heavy Cannon and Tanks Attack Houses in Warsaw; General Guderian Speaks to Hitler Youth Members; German Combat Teams Retreat to Carpathians; Execution of One-Man-Torpedo Mission; Germans Withdraw From Finland to New Positions; Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck Fight Soviet Tanks. Three newsreels, 34 min. CH 776

ch 777 coverVolume 77
(OCTOBER, 1944): One-Man-Torpedo Demonstrated to Hitler Youth; British Air Landings at Arnhem; Destroyed British and American Transport Gliders; Estonian Civilians Flee Homeland on German Steamers; Ground-Attack Aircraft Destroy Houses in Warsaw; State Ceremony at Rommel's Funeral; Soviet Breaktrough Combatted in Hungary; Himmler Speaks to Volkssturm Members. Three newsreels, 37 min. CH 777

ch 778 coverVolume 78
(NOVEMBER, 1944): Students of Jülich NCO School Take Over Defense of Geilenkirchen; German Naval Guns Assist Land Battles Near Memel; Gruesome Scenes of Soviet Massacre in Nemmersdorf; Hitler's Putsch of November 1923 is Commemorated in Munich; Swearing-in Ceremonies of Volkssturm Soldiers; General Vlasov Speaks to Eastern Workers; German Troops Quell Uprising in Slovakia; Daily Life at Encircled German Bases on the Atlantic Coast. Three newsreels, 37 min. CH 778

ch 779 coverVolume 79
(DECEMBER, 1944): Inspection of Grossdeutschland Regiment in Berlin; German Light and Heavy Cruisers in Courland Lagoon; Germans Fight French Units in Vosges Mountains; Defensive Battles in the Balkans; Hungary's Head of State Szálasy Visits Hitler; Blown-up Waal River Dams Near Arnhem; Himmler Decorates Waffen-SS Soldiers; Defensive Battles on the Western Front. Three newsreels, 31 min. CH 779

The swift collapse of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 brought, with the surrender, mountains of films and documents covering the entire period of the Nazi regime. Perhaps no other period in history is as well documented. Many of these films are now historical documents of a time when madness and hate overran mankind. Some films made in those years do not reflect current official views of Germany, its people, or other nations and should be used only with extreme parental discretion and guidance. Almost 55 years have passed since the terrible holocaust. The memories and the consequences are still with us today. HOW...WHY... could such a system have arisen and flourished? How many times have the questions been asked? How many answers have been offered? The voices on these video tapes are the voices of history... perhaps those who listen today can help answer the questions posed by these terrible years!

ch 780 coverVolume 80
(JANUARY, 1945): Hitler Youth Solstice Ceremony; SS General Sepp Dietrich Visits His Troops; Tiger II Tanks With New Turrets; Panorama of Destroyed Sherman Tanks; Torpedo Boats in Action off Courland; German Offensive in the Ardennes; House-to-House Fighting in a Saarland Town; Lift-off and Flight of a V-2 Rocket. Three newsreels, 35 min. CH 780

ch 781 coverVolume 81
(JANUARY/FEBRUARY, 1945): Training of the Volkssturm Volunteers; Allied Bombing Effects in Germany; Winter Battles in the Ardennes; Fortifications are Built in Katowice; German Tanks and Infantry in Action at Budapest; Defensive Battles Within Lower Rhine and Meuse; Volkssturm Units Man Barricades in Fortress Breslau; Heavy Battles Rage in East Prussia. Three newsreels, 30 min. CHE 781

ch 782 coverVolume 82
(MARCH, 1945): Civilian Population Construct Barricades in Berlin; Atrocities of the Soviets Depicted; Goebbels Inspects German Positions in Frankfurt on the Oder; General Vlasov Takes the Command of Russian Volunteers; Lauban and Guben Recaptured by German Troops; Hitler Visits Divisional Command Post on Eastern Front; Last Film of Hitler Decorating Members of the Hitler Youth in the Garden of His Bunker; Streetfighting in Breslau, Stettin, and Königsberg. Three newsreels, 37 min. CH 782


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"Through Enemy Eyes"
